The Woman

Over the years the concept of the woman has fascinated me. Why did God choose to create her if she was going to be a door to the fall of mankind. Why create her such a weakling? 

Why is she often harassed by the insurmountable hurdles of life? Then the Lord gave me this understanding. I hope it will bless you as you read;


Genesis 2:18 And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

Genesis 2:21-23
And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Picture this, in a beautifully created universe and the most perfect garden you could ever imagine. It's paradise. A perfect God has just finished creating a masterpiece of his handiwork. The perfect universe and says to it "it is good". However as he is admiring his work, he spots one of his creation; Adam, strolling along alone and without a partner. Well he had created Adam like himself but then Adam needed someone to relate to on his level. He shakes his head and says no, this is not good, he shouldn't be alone, Adam needs a partner. I am going to get him one. Wouldn't it be normal to assume that if he is to create another, he is going to simply create a totally new human being just like himself or like Adam? Well guess what; he doesn't. Instead he causes Adam to sleep and creates an Eve.

But Why would he do that?

The man God had created was perfection in it itself.  He was both male and female as God the father is. We refer to God as a father most of the times in prayers but countless times in scripture God has showed us how He has mothered us, carried us, fed us and loved us with all the characteristics of the female attribute . 
Now back to Adam. He causes Adam to fall into a deep sleep and takes a rib(a focal point of human existence) out of him. God did not create a new rib but took one of the ribs already created in Adam and formed a woman out of it.

But note this; why must God put man to sleep first before he creates the woman? Adam could have simply watched from a distance if this was a matter of disturbance but the bible says He caused the man to fall into a deep sleep? The hebrew word(תַּרְדֵּמָ×”)-"tardemah" for deep sleep here equates to a deep slumber almost like death. The man had to die for the woman to be created. Even at creation God was showing us a symbol of love through Christ. Christ had to die for his church(bride) in order for the bride to be formed. So the bible says "husbands love your wives as Christ loved the Church and gave himself for her" For the perfect creation and union of the male and female specie, the male has to die to himself.-------will explain better in next blog.

The makeup of a woman is created in such a delicate and complex way that only the creator fully understands it . Most women don't even understand themselves and what they sometimes go through. So they seek comfort or solace in other women making a whole new complex cycle. The male counterpart does not really comprehend  the female either. However the funny thing is this everything female brings out the MAN out of the man. An example is this; watch how a group of young men will be walking down the street anyhow but as soon as they see a woman, a beautiful woman at that, their walking even changes. How they talk to the woman even changes. Watch how immediately after Adam wakes up from his slumber and sees Eve, He calls her bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh and immediately scripture says "so shall a man leave his father........" Some theologians have argued saying that part of scripture does not really fit into the creation story in Genesis but God was trying to pinpoint what a woman will make a man do.

Now lets focus on who the woman is. The devil saw Adam and all living creatures being created but was never interested in interrupting anything. Infact he could have but he didn't but watch this.
As soon as the woman was created and she appeared on the scene, the devil said No, No, No. It is time to move. I have to move in now. I cannot wait . Why so? For some reason the devil understood exactly who the woman is and her destiny. He knew that if he was able to get the woman he could get an entire generation unborn. He knew he could destroy the destiny of a man through the woman. He knew the entire plan of the world was somehow linked with this weakling that was just created. I doubt the woman herself knew who she was and that is why it was easy to fall prey to the enemy. The devil knew that the woman was there as an important key in creation. 

We all know what happened in Genesis chapter 3. Some have argued what was the woman doing by the tree. And why was she speaking to the devil in the first place and where was Adam etc etc but my interest today is not to analyze that but to explain the consequences of the curse placed on the woman

Genesis 3:1313 And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.

First word here is "beguiled" which also means deceived. But there was no mention of deceiving when they were conversing because the record tells us they were simply talking. Isn't it funny how the most dangerous consequence of our lives have always started with "oh but i was simply......." If only we would be on the constant watch out and know that THE DEVIL HAS A PERSONAL HATRED against women. To continue; the woman said. "the serpent deceived me".  At this point,  the woman has clearly perceived what has happened to her. She knew she had been deceived. She knew her wrong and could identify when she had fallen from glory. She did not say the  "serpent made me do it" as Adam did by saying "the woman made me do it". There was no more blame game here. She knew fully what she had done so it was easy for her to receive redemption.

Now my favorite scripture Genesis 3:15........ And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

In this scripture a clear battle line was drawn. Even the outcome and effect of the battle was stated. FOREVER IN THE ORDER OF THE UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING CREATED THERE WILL BE A DEEP HATRED BETWEEN THE DEVIL AND THE WOMAN. This is the reason for the hatred. First of all although the woman had done wrong, she was given a new role of a life giver and a nurturer. God puts in place a rule that for anyone to be recognized as legal here on this earth he/she must come through the womb of a woman. This is why angels don't live physically with us and Jesus, who is God still had to come to earth through the womb of a woman.

To better understand, lets take a look at this, Eve came from Adam but now every Adam or new Eve must come through this woman. According to genetics we all know that the woman still has the "x" chromosome. All she is and will ever give out is another version of herself. Adam originally and currently contains both the "x" which is the female and the "y" which is the male chromosomes. However it is no more out of Adam that anyone legal on this earth must come through but the woman. The male still gives his seed to the woman however it is the woman's duty to bring forth whatever the man gives her. The woman here has now turned into a vital key in the universe and she now recognizes her role but does not fully yet understand it.

Because the devil wanted to attack the woman and everything that she is, her seed has now been turned into a weapon of mass destruction for the devil. The seed of the woman "will bruise thy head" - meaning totally destroy you. This was the promise given to her the woman. Whilst the seed of the serpent "will bruise her heel"- afflict her and cause her  downfall in any and every way possible.  This means as long as you are a woman born unto this earth am sorry but you are already in a battle that had been drawn before you were born. 
Is it then any wonder that in churches and hospitals all over the world women have been afflicted by unimaginable torments. Of diseases, of weaknesses, of conditions science sometimes cannot even explain. Drug abuse and prostitution. The number of suicides for women are tremendous all over the world and yet we do not understand what is happening to us. Failed promises, broken hearts, miscarriages and pain that is unimaginable is because the heel is being attacked.

What is the countermove? Praise be to God that just a few inches above our heels is our knees. Our most powerful position. If only we would go down on our knees and lift up prayers to the heavens. To the one who created the rule and sits enthroned in the heavens. We will destroy the head of the serpent. Our husbands will be saved. Our marriages will be saved. Our children will not be killed or go astray. The ark of the most high will rest in our bodies and we wont fall prey to diseases and infirmities. If only women will know who they really are and take up their mantles again. If women will stand at the doorway and the gates of their lives, the families, their cities and countries I believe an entire generation will be saved.

Have you ever wondered why the Lord Jesus used or ministered to women during his ministry on earth? This is because for centuries women had been relegated to the background. The devil was causing havoc to their lives and causing women to live in defeat when that was not the original intent why the woman was created. Historically the Jews did not regard women or even their testimony and some still don't. However when the Lord Jesus came here on earth, the very vessel the enemy was destroying was the same vessel he used. Wherein then is the credibility of a story if it is a woman who first saw the resurrected Lord?. And yet God allowed it to be recorded in scripture. All through history women that availed themselves for the Lord were used for his glory. I pray women all over the world would wake up from slumber and take hold of their inheritance in the Lord.


  1. Wow, the article is very detailed. Thank for God for giving you this deep insights


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